Well as you may have picked up around here, I worked on Pixar's Up, opening this weekend (May 29th), and I'll admit that I'm extremely proud of it.
I'm not exactly impartial, as I was and am so close to it, but I believe we've ended up with a great film that hopefully everyone will enjoy for years to come. I think it has lots for everyone, including action and comedy, but also things that will directly speak to the adult members of the audience as well. Lots of good folks contributed to this, and I was only a small part of the larger whole.
I hope you all enjoy it, and I'd love to hear what you think! (gulp)
Here's a link to a great interview with Up director (and all around swell guy) Pete Docter over on NPR.

Next, are some things that are more specifically "me" related...to show and share;
(Now mind you, this is all a bit surreal for me, to be seeing my work not only in the film, but all over books, and toys and even at the Disney theme parks in walk around characters and on a parade float!)
The Art of Up book is out, I have a few things in it yes...but you get to see some REALLY good art by the folks I was fortunate to work with. There's quite a bit of great artwork shown in the book, but honestly, you'd need about 10 volumes to show everything that we did!
Check it out!

And this last one is probably the most "surreal"... to see walk around characters at the Walt Disney theme parks decked out in my graphics, as well as a float that's chugging along, with a huge illustration on it that I did as well--Watch it here!

Now the real FUN begins!
I love a parade! ;)
That is fantastic.
that is so awesome, paul! i'm seeing it tomorrow morning. i can't wait!
You are the man Paul, you are the man: )
Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy the film!
Hey Paul, I'm Jesse Chapman (distant relative) a nephew of the Higgins' in KC, but I live out here in SoCal now doing film stuff as well. Maudie sent me the link to your blog.
I just wanted to tell you that my wife and I saw UP opening weekend and were blown away =) Very happy for you and wanted you to know that we thought it was such an amazing film. Seriously, well done. Congratulations cause I know this film is going to be so huge! Do you have a facebook page by chance?
I'm so glad that you enjoyed Up.
Why don't you drop me an email:
you should be proud of it !
all art department did such a good job
it's excellent film !
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