He's been sharing some behind the scenes work for his soon to be released MOJO story, and it is kicking my behind... in a really good way. Wait'll you see it! (You can find out more at his inspiring art blog)
As before with Luke Cage, he's thrown a Falcon shaped gauntlet at me this time... Check out what he did here. It's awesome.
My response:

THAT ROCKS SOCKS MAN! I love it! Man... I need this framed. (hint hint)
High-flyin' work, Mistah C!
This version of the Falcon's costume ranks among the best super-threads EVER. It's so slick and evocative.
The newer version I don't like so much. Regardless of their shape, transparent wings look like bug wings to me.
That's one rambunctious rendering of the fearsome Falcon my friend!!
Ooooo, I like him even better with the color! Beauty.
Ev- Hmmm.... think baby girl would like that next to the crib? :)
Jon- Thanks Mr. M. I agree on the Falc's costume... it's "super".
Wonder if Jazzy John Romita designed it? Does anyone know?
Rico- 'Nuff Said!
Bready- Are you sure? I was worried that I mighta over worked him a little in that respect....
Thanks for the comments guys!
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